Monday, August 24, 2009

Just another update

Kay kay! Im back guys! Rawr! Most of the time i believe in writing down day to day goals to keep me motivated everyday, instead of putting on blog. " excuses"=) Hmm, its true that by writing down your thoughts and actions in blogs, people can give both positive and negative feedback. Its totally up to us whether to listen to it or not.

So what has been happening? For this past few weeks, nothing much. More downs than ups going on. Some friends would be wondering why i keep mentioning about my face? It all started because of the left scars that i used to have during high school. Yeah, tried to cure it by going facial, instead it got worst and damaged my entire face. Have been emo bout it, tried all sorts of methods by using neem, and then eumora and lastly resorted to skin specialist. Thinking back, i would prefer to have that small patch of scar now. I guess this is my main reason why im hiding away from people. Hahaha!! Oh well, hope for the best for now....

Oh ya, i have a goal for myself. Its a 6 months goal to change my outlook. hehe. Cure my face, cooler hair? and nicer build=P Yeah u guys might think im being vainpot or the inside is more important? Well, i just want to c how determine i am and at the same time improve myself. So this is it. I will achieve it.