Howdy, so yeah. the week was pretty busy. Have to meet up with some "important" people. Adding up with the stats assignment. Orphanage trip need 2 be handled by this week as well. Oh well, i still managed to smile till the end of the week becauseee ive done whatever i can do=).

Orphanage trip
Venue : Kepong
People who went : Yee Hoo, Kok Peng, Yong Wen, KengFai, Cherry, Shin Ting, Hsin I, Sharlenee, Jun Hang, Francis, Ying Qian, How Wen, Chia Wen, Neoh and myself.
Time : 2-5pm
Date : 5/3/09
This orphanage trip is actualli for the moral assignment. Early morning, went to HsinI's place. There Chia Wen was sitting down, enjoying the sausages prepared. We all prepared whatever is neccessary to bring over there. Then, Hsin I, CW and i headed off to HELP to get the rest to bring them over to Kepong.
Then we reached there, we were welcomed in but it was abit awkward at 1st. Dont know why. LOL. Since there was no one in charge, so i spoke out and became the MC of the day. My spoken BM wasnt really good but i just gave it a shot.
1st, we played the musical chair. As usual lah, kiddies circling the chairs that kinda thing. Moving on, we spent around an hour on creativity newspaper. We provided newspaper and let the kids mingle with it, to produce sumthg nice? Then, we interacted with em. Played Eagle catch chick.
Thats the end of it, we finished the day with photos and interviews. -The End-
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