Wednesday, July 30, 2008

30th JULY 2008

Exam is 5 days away only and ive seriously not started on it. Why?

  • Laziness

  • Lousy Time management

Anyway, been busy helping out Alex working on a small project for 2-3weeks but exams got in the way. Disturbing sial. My main job is to meet the people and cre8 awareness on a free motivational talk near Shangri-la Hotel. Its on "Own Your Life" and the best thing of all is everyday every1 would stand a chance to win an ITOUCH. 9 pieces of it in total. ALL free, who wouldnt come? So if any1 interested on talks how 2 make money, manage business. DO tell me also, ill pass u the Free invitation cards.

Anyway, to me I have not reached whatever i want in this small project.

  1. I have not met at least 60 people.*targeting 80*

  2. closing people not firm enough.
  3. Puncture out damn easily in the evening.

SO, after exams i must improve on that cause i want to c myself making money man!

For now.....I will concentrate on studies.

* Whoever wants to work part-time, do inform me. alright?=)